Saturday, September 12, 2009

Couch Potato, Or Baker?

I have been following the Couch Potato to 5K program over the last couple months to help me get to a healthier me.  Now, I wouldn't say I was exactly a couch potato to start with - I'm more of a big baker spud!!  Having said that, it is taking me longer than the outlined nine weeks to make it to the 5K mark. 

However, persistance is key and I am persistant! 

Today is the day that we (my mom is doing this right along with me) are to jog for 2 miles - no walking.  This is a milestone as it is the first day of the program that is all jog!  For this most auspicious of occasions we decide to jog along the path between the Boathouse and Owen Beach, right along the water.  Beautiful morning, gorgeous scenery and very few people this time of day and the stage is set. 

As we are doing our warm up walk and stretching mom and I discuss whether we are going to repeat the last session, a combo of jog and walk, or press on and jog the 2 miles.  I think we should press on and mom is questioning if she can do either one justice today.  Finally, just as we finish up our stretches, she agrees to go for it and we're off! 

Me, Mom and Jazzy (Mom's dog) trotting along drinking in the beauty all around us.  There's the ferry coming in to unload it's passangers and cars, only to load up again and head back across the bay.  The fishermen are out in droves - I hope they have a fantastic catch!  The sailboats with their sails unfurled in the crisp morning air - gorgeous!  There's a little seal swimming it's seal swim.  It is truely magnificent - the sights, sounds and smells all around us! 

With all this beauty all around me I hardly notice my gasping breath and tightening leg muscles!  Until about the half way mark.  My breathing is not too bad but the muscles are starting to cramp more with each step.... so I slow to a walk for about a minute then start the jog again.  Jog for a couple minutes then walk...and so on and so on, with more walk and less jog, all the way back to where we started at which point I am practically hobbling along.  Not my finest moment!  I didn't get it done...

But you know what? This is actually one of my proudest momenets as well.  I am proud of myself for not completely quitting.  I am proud of myself for knowing that next time will be better. I am proud of myself for knowing that there will be a next time, because I refuse to quit! 

What I am absolutely the most proud of is.... MY MOM!!!!  She jogged the entire 2 miles - a lot of praying, but NO walking! 


And it's still early in the day, so let's go have our Best day yet...


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